Get Involved
Hold My Hand is run by kind donors like you. Your donation will be able to help us cover tuition, rent, groceries, medical needs, and administrative work. Please feel free to contact us any time if you have any question regarding your giving we are here to assist you.
Another great way to get involved with us is by helping sponsor our boys to help cover their individual needs. Potential sponsors will be provided a breakdown cost of each boy's needs to support them. Sponsoring a child will help you create a personal relationship with our boys, which on its own, is a rewarding experience. Please fill out contact information for additional info, and our team will be available to assist you.
We love and honor all our volunteers in the past who have come to spend time with our boys. Hold my Hand provides many opportunities for individuals and groups to volunteer at the center or in the community. If you love tutoring, doing community outreach, or just sitting back on a couch with a great company, Hold my Hand is an excellent place for that. Please fill out the contact information for more volunteering opportunities with us, and our team will be available to assist you.
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